Friday, December 23, 2011

Grandma's Mustard Prime Rib Recipe

Here's the recipe that my family has been doing for generation and generations. This very simple prime rib recipe has been a favorite not only by my family but to all those who have tasted and generously asked how to make it. Its very simple:

What you need:
1.a slab of prime rib roast (trimmed off the fat,but don't get rid of it!)
2.1 tbs pepper, and 1 tbs rosemary and tyme.
3. Salt vigorously preferably with sea salt.(about 3 tbs)
4. brush the slab all over with "Frenchs" yellow mustard.
5. now layer the trimmed fat over the slab then brush it with yellow mustard again.

now your all set!

next thing to do is to roast your prime rib in the oven (325') for about more or less 3 hours. And that's it! Trust me, If I can make this I'm sure any novice cook can make this as well. Merry Christmas and happy eating guys!