Thursday, May 24, 2012

Corona to appear at Senate on Friday

MANILA, Philippines -- Chief Justice Renato Corona will appear before the impeachment court on Friday, his lead defense counsel, retired Justice Serafin Cuevas, said Thursday.

Cuevas told reporters at the Medical City hospital in Pasig City, where Corona is confined, that he was able to convince the Chief Justice to appear at the impeachment court because of the ultimatum given by Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile for the defense to wrap up its case by Friday.

The ultimatum was handed down after Corona capped his close to three-hour opening statement on Tuesday by suddenly walking out of the session hall, angering Enrile.

Corona's lawyers and family later explained he had suffered from hypoglycemia, or a sudden drop in his blood sugar levels.

The diabetic Corona was taken to the Medical City where he was confined at the intensive care unit.

Cuevas said Corona's family and his doctors were originally not amenable to allowing the magistrate to go.

However, he said he explained the need for Corona to appear lest he lose his case.
