Thursday, July 5, 2012

EU gives P192 million for Sendong victims' projects

MANILA, Philippines -- The European Union approved an additional P192 million for projects to support survivors of storm “Sendong” (international codename: Washi) in northern Mindanao as they rebuild their homes and livelihoods.

The projects will be implemented in Cagayan de Oro and Iligan cities and affected rural communities in Misamis Oriental, Bukidnon, Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur (Region X & ARMM) and Negros Oriental (Region VII).

Ambassador Guy Ledoux, head of the EU Delegation, explained the importance of these projects: “While the floods in Mindanao were over very quickly the humanitarian needs have not gone away as quickly.”

“Although the cameras have left and the headlines have changed, we are not leaving the victims behind but trying to ensure that he communities can get back on their feet,” he added.

The additional funding is the second commitment by the European Commission through its Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection department, following an initial decision in December 2011 to provide P162 million in emergency aid for debris cleanup, emergency rehabilitation, food assistance, non-food items, shelter support, coordination and management of evacuation centers/camps, health and hygiene promotion, water and sanitation, psychological support and protection.

More than 154,000 individuals will benefit from this assistance.

Partners in these new projects in Mindanao include the International Organization for Migration, the German Red Cross and a consortium of non-governmental relief organizations led by Acción Contra el Hambre, including Save the Children, Plan International and Care Netherlands.

The focus continues to be on water/sanitation, hygiene promotion, IDP camp management/temporary shelter, food security/ livelihood, humanitarian aid coordination and protection.

EU humanitarian aid experts visited the affected regions between 5 and 14 March 2012 and witnessed the good use of the EU assistance in the immediate aftermath of the typhoon.

Their assessment was that many people were still displaced and in need of basic assistance like shelter, food, water and sanitation, six months after the disaster. This led to the decision to provide additional support.

The additional aid brings the European Union’s assistance for Sendong survivors to P566 million for the victims of Sendong, sourced from contributions from the European Commission and several EU member-states.

On January 4 this year, Ledoux led a group of EU diplomats on a visit to northern Mindanao to express solidarity and support for the Sendong survivors as well as to assess the progress and effectiveness of the EU assistance.

The EU was one of the first to provide immediate aid to the typhoon victims.

Within 48 hours of the disaster, three ECHO experts were deployed to Mindanao to assess the humanitarian situation, leading to the swift release of the P162 million in emergency aid.
