Friday, May 3, 2013

Not his type? PNoy turns down date with Pamela Anderson

MANILA - There won’t be a date between President Aquino and former Playboy playmate Pamela Anderson.

Lacierda said the issue concerning the elephant Mali has already been previously referred by the Office of the Executive Secretary to Agriculture Secretary Proceso Alcala. 

“Pamela Anderson is in LA and the President is not going to LA anytime soon,” Lacierda said in reaction to Anderson's reported invitation for Aquino to have dinner to discuss the plight of Mali.  

“The Executive Secretary has already delegated that study to Secretary Alcala of the Department of Agriculture,” he added.

“Secretary Alcala will be all too willing to meet with Pamela Anderson,” Lacierda said in jest.

Anderson, a former star of TV series Baywatch, had sent a letter to the bachelor Philippine president suggesting a dinner date so they can discuss the transfer of the 39-year-old ailing elephant Mali from the Manila Zoo to a reputable sanctuary.

"[S]hould you find yourself in Los Angeles, I'd love to take you to dinner and talk more about how we can help Mali," she said.

"Thank you for taking a strong, serious stance on her behalf by issuing a directive to consider moving her to a sanctuary. In a world filled with political self-interest, your character and integrity are inspiring," Anderson, a supporter of People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), said.

Experts and animal rights activists have been campaigning for Mali's transfer, saying the Manila zoo has failed to give the animal a comfortable home and proper care.

"In her current environment, Mali is cruelly denied socialization, stimulation, room to explore, and everything else that is natural and important to her," PETA said.
