Sunday, November 3, 2013

Hackers deface Ombudsman, other gov't websites

The group calling itself “Anonymous Philippines” defaced on Sunday the websites of the Office of the Ombudsman and other government offices in what it called a preview of things to come.

Unnoticeable at first, the defacement can be seen on the press releases section of the website of the Ombudsman.

Other websites, meanwhile, showed the message on their welcome pages. These include:,,,,,,,,,,

The message reads: “Greetings citizens of the Philippines. We are Anonymous. We apologize for this inconvenience, but this is the only easiest way we could convey our message to you, our dear brothers and sisters who are tired of this cruelty and this false democracy, tired of this government and the politicians who only think about themselves.”

The group further went on to say that a "revolution" is happening.

“On the fifth day of November, 2013, we will try to be a part of the history,” Anonymous Philippines said.

The group asked the public to join them, saying: “If you see what we see, if you feel as we feel, and if you would seek as we seek... then we ask you to stand beside us, this fifth of November outside the gates of Batasang Pambansa and let us march our way to freedom -- a freedom from the shackles of the Government.”

This is not the first time that the group announced the so-called “Million Mask March.” A week ago, Facebook accounts of several personalities were also defaced with the same message.

The group said it is part of a November 5 event happening worldwide.

“We are legion. On the 5th of November, Government - Hear and understand us, or EXPECT US!” the hackers said.
The message at the Ombudsman website also went on to say: “To the ‘incorrupt’ officials of the government, we are challenging you! Join us! The Corrupt - Fear us. The Honest - Support us. The Heroic - Join us.”

The so-called hacktivists have long been defacing government websites to put across warnings against corruption. They made their presence felt especially during the debates on the Cybercrime Prevention Law.

The group further went on to say: “We are Anonymous. We are ONE. The government, you are NONE.”
