Thursday, November 7, 2013

Obama calls Christie with congratulations

WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama called his odd couple political pal Chris Christie Wednesday to congratulate him on his crushing reelection win over a Democratic opponent in the New Jersey governor's race.

Obama and Christie, a potential 2016 Republican candidate, bonded last year over Super Storm Sandy, which crashed into the US east coast.

Christie's embrace of Obama, who jumped at the chance to wield presidential authority days before facing off against Republican presidential rival Mitt Romney, enraged members of the governor's own party, who accused him of disloyalty and self promotion.

"The president did call Governor Christie to congratulate him on his reelection," White House spokesman Jay Carney told reporters aboard Air Force One.

"He and the governor have spent a lot of time together in person and on the phone because of Super Storm Sandy," he said.

Christie triumphed on Tuesday in his reelection bid in New Jersey over distant Democratic rival Barbara Buono, in a result which instantly made him a leading contender for the Republican presidential nomination.

The tough talking Republican bills himself as an ideal candidate to bridge demographic and political divides and to appeal to the kind of moderate Democrats needed to build a presidential election coalition.

But there are questions whether northeasterner Christie's blunt political style and relative moderation are a good fit for a party dominated by evangelicals, Tea Party radicals and southern conservatives.
