Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Best time to pee during ‘Avengers: Endgame’ — A no-spoilers guide

Here's a piece of advice for all the those who are planning to watch "Avengers: Endgame" this weekend: best if you read up on the times to go for a bathroom break beforehand. 

The movie is notably three hours long and there's already at least three spoiler-free articles floating online suggesting various parts in it where you can safely take a break to pee. 

The overall consensus seems to be during the moment the team grabs a bite with Bruce Banner, while another ideal time to slip away is when they go on their respective "missions." 

Though you may miss a ton of touching moments by following the latter, it is really the last decent chance before the final hour where there are absolutely none. Be warned. You can check the articles out for yourself here, here, and here.

Also, if you managed to last until the whole thing's over without doing so and you can't just hold it in anymore, feel free to make a run for the restrooms as there are no mid- nor post-credits scenes. 

There is an interesting smithing sound (a bit inaudible as people start talking and such) when the Marvel Studios logo appear at the very end, but there's no "must-see" footage. 

And if you're still on the fence on whether watching "Avengers: Endgame" is worth it, check out our spoiler-free review here.
