Tuesday, June 12, 2012

LGBTs speak out on independence in a conservative society

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one’s chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
—Nelson Mandela

June is the month for celebrating Philippine Independence Day and a time to be proud of who we are. It’s also fitting that June is also LGBT( Lesbian, Gays,Biseual, Transgender) month. LGBTs do not conform to the norms of traditional society but they, too, are just your average everyday people who deserve to enjoy the rights of everyone else. Despite awareness campaigns advocating acceptance and the rights of LGBTs, many still experience bullying, discrimination in school and in the workplace, and prejudice in raising a secure family, to name a few.

Ladlad founder and LGBT activist Danton Remoto believes that the struggles of the community can only be eased if the laws can be changed; he believes that the community can only be protected if there is a law that recognizes them.

source: interaksyon.com