Sunday, May 27, 2012

Indy 500: Record Heat Tests Drivers, Challenges Fans

INDIANAPOLIS — How hot was it at Sunday's Indianapolis 500? Depends on whom you ask.

Track officials announced just before 2:30 p.m. that the temperature had hit 93 degrees, which would set a record as the hottest 500 in history. The previous record was 92 degrees in 1937.

But the National Weather Service in Indianapolis listed the official temperature at 90, and The Weather Channel had the mercury at a balmy 89 degrees.

Official highs and lows for Indianapolis are recorded at Indianapolis International Airport. Weather Service meteorologist Marc Dahmer (Day'-mer) says the temperature at the speedway likely was higher because of the amount of pavement, the heat generated by the cars and the number of people gathered in such a small area.

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