Saturday, November 2, 2013

Top 5 reasons why people leave their jobs

MANILA, Philippines – Why do people leave their jobs?

A recent survey by online recruitment site showed the offer of a higher salary from another company is among the top five reasons why people leave their job.

The other top reasons are offers of better benefits, not getting along with colleagues, offers of a better work schedule, and lack of recognition.

The survey showed, however, that while the main reason for leaving is an offer of higher pay, employees will stay if they love what they are doing.

According to the survey, “I love what I’m doing” is a common response to job satisfaction inquiries.

“Majority of the respondents, say they stay at their current jobs because they like what they are doing. People leave when they don’t like what they do, regardless of other factors such as compensation, tenure, or having friends in the office. When people don’t find joy in their jobs, all the good things get disregarded,” said.

Aside from liking what they’re doing, among the top reasons why employees stay are finding a sense of purpose in their work, getting along with colleagues, convenient location, and good salary and benefits.

Employee threshold

The study also suggested that the average of an employee’s threshold, or the length of time they can stay with a company before moving on, is three years.

It showed that over 65 percent of respondents currently looking for a job have been with their companies for three years or less. said employees torn between staying or leaving should consider how they are being valued by the company and if the job itself is fulfilling.

“If an organization values you as an employee and you’re happy with what you do, then maybe it’s time to think long term,” the recruitment site said.

A total of 8,532 respondents were asked in the survey conducted in September 2013
