Saturday, November 2, 2013

Gina Lopez opens first G Stuff store

MANILA, Philippines - Staunch environmentalist Gina Lopez recently launched her first ever store – G Stuff, in Rockwell, Power Plant Mall.

G Stuff is the product of Lopez’s concept of helping the communities while saving the environment and letting the people from the metropolis experience the beauty of using products from the fine ingredients of nature.

"This is such an amazingly beautiful country of 7,000 islands. But unfortunately, the people in most of our islands are poor. G Stuff is an effort to get these people out of poverty,” Lopez said.

G Stuff contains products with natural ingredients from identified ecotourism areas. Its name speaks for its advocacy as G stands for so many things: G is green because it’s good for the environment. G is good for the community – 100% of the profits will help sustain their livelihood. G means gift because there will be flavorful and exciting array of products.

There is a line of virgin coconut oil products from Brooke’s Point, Palawan – from skin care to room fragrances. There is also a premium VCO product with high content of ceramide that can remove wrinkles and can keep the skin young.

Pinoy boxing champ Manny Pacquiao is vital in the success of VCO business as he funded P5 million for the construction of manufacturing plant in Brooke’s Point to turn the abundant coconuts into refined VCO. The pili nuts and cacao come from communities in Sorsogon. The essential oils come from communities in Cagayan de Oro and Butuan.

Dr. Rey Villoria’s healing crystals are also available. This salt works wonders because it addresses minor ailments.

Taken from the experience of Lopez – “I was supposed to have a root canal. I then found out that if I cut the nerve in my tooth, eventually the whole tooth will die and even the teeth around it. So I decided to try brushing my teeth with the healing crystals. Lo and behold - the pain disappeared.”

The healing crystals are being used in herbs and spices available in G Stuff store. Different kinds of pili recipes are also being offered.

Premium recipes by top chefs in the country are also being offered in the store. These are Chef Myrna Segismundo’s carabao cheese with pili nut and cherry tomato marmalade; Chef Gilbert Pangilinan’s red onion & Palawan and wafu dressings and; Chef Him Uy’s pili trail mix. There will be upcoming recipes from Sandy Daza, Glenda Barretto, Jessie Sincioco and Robby Goco.

All the recipes are guaranteed free of chemicals, preservatives, white sugar and white flour.

Lopez said the chance of uplifting the lives of communities become more and more possible for every purchase.

“Every time you buy from G Stuff, you are integrating your energies with us, as we form this beautiful web of life, which will make this country a much better place to live in. So buy from G Stuff all the time. It’s good for you. It’s good for the country. It’s good for the community. It’s good for everything,” she said.

Visit to know more about G Stuff.
