As someone on the inside, I need to tell you how the proposed legislation would actually affect your relationship with your family physician, your eye doctor or other specialist, your chiropractor or any private medical practitioner.
I've been consulting professional medical practices since 1976 and have worked with thousands of doctors, from eye doctors to foot doctors, alternative medical practices to leading MDs and specialists. Would the proposed legislation affect your doctors' ability to practice their specialties to the best of their conscience and ability?
The proposed new system would be run by civil servants with ultimate - I mean really total - power over what your doctors can do. Maybe you've had a bad insurance program where the doctor you love is no longer on it, or where you have to come up with a ton of money out of your own pocket, or where you have to spend hours on the phone with your insurance company arguing, trying to get what your doctor says you need. Well employees in the private sector are usually much more efficient and motivated than government employees.
You may not know this, but Medicaid, Medicare and other government programs make changes that affect you going to the doctor of your choice or receiving certain treatments - without notice or appeal.
Since whatever gets passed is likely to be around for a long time, look at it the same way you would a proposed marriage. Ask, what's this proposed marital bliss likely to be like after your honeymoon; in 10 years; 20 years? Many young men and women will not spend all the extra years necessary to become a doctor if there is no reward after all that extra work.
Let me reveal what really happens on the inside. A recent client was a colon and rectal surgery group in Beverly Hills struggling to pay their rent. Medicare had once paid them well, but in recent years "to reduce waste" had slashed reimbursement so low that staff members were losing their jobs, patients were getting lousy service and the doctors were still on the verge of going out of business. Then there was a computer glitch with Medicare and for 2 ½ months they did not receive a dime! What would happen if your job or business didn't pay you for that long? Many doctors would no longer be in business if this happened to them.
As soon as medicine moves from a free market to smoke-filled rooms or a faceless bureaucrat's desk, you are at risk. Don't think it can't happen - just look at the facts. I recommend we preserve free-market medicine and your freedom of choice as key principles and figure it out from there.
David Sanders, CMC, has worked with doctors nationwide for more than 30 years to build prosperous practices that enjoy an abundance of happy patients and that means referral, as every doctor knows. He is considered a top expert, addressing Efficient Utilization of Personnel, Stress reduction, Marketing, Productivity and Time Management, as well as Long-term Strategic growth. As CEO and Senior Consultant of Vision Practice Management, with President John L. Brinkley, OD, today Mr. Sanders fulfills Dr. Brinkley's quest to bring to colleagues the same management expertise that has expanded his first modest practice to five power practices, all performing above industry standard. You can read more of Dr. Brinkley's story at http://www.vision-practice.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=D._Sanders