A gunman took six girls hostage at a US high school shot one of them- Emily Keyes dead and then killed himself as police attacked the building. Emily Keyes was a student at Platte Canyon High School in Bailey, Colorado. Last September 27, 2006, a 53-year-old shooter Duane Morrison entered the school and held seven girls hostage and Emily Keyes was one of them. After Duane Morrison entered a classroom, wherever Sandra Smith taught Honors English, he fired his handgun to the air and instructed all the female students to stand facing the blackboard. He then assaulted all of them.
According to police reports, Morrison sexually assault the girls before the release of four of his hostages and held two people, including Keyes. Emily sent her parents a text message ... "I love you" and "love you. C?
Emily got shot and killed by Duane Morrison, when Jefferson County SWAT team raids in the classroom. Morrison spent two girls as human shields, and then, as Emily Keyes tried to run away, he shot her and then killed himself.