MANILA, Philippines – The recently concluded 2012 Philippine International Guitar Competition yielded a champion in Franco Raymundo M. Maigue, who bested 20 semi-finalists from Indonesia, Germany, Malaysia, Thailand, Japan and the USA in the finals held Jan.29 at the Cultural Center of the Philippines’ (CCP) Little Theater.
Maigue won a trophy, a Yuichi Imai Limited Model guitar, and a cash prize of P35,000.
The second spot went to Takashi Endo of Japan, while Worrapat Yansupap of Thailand eked third place.
Another Pinoy, Roneil Santos, was awarded a Special Prize as “Best Filipino Guitarist.”
The competition was the highlight of the four-day long event, which included exhibits as well as a lecture-workshop, masterclasses and concerts by local and international concert guitarists and ensembles.
Judges in the competition were Carsten Linck from Germany (head of jury), Yuichi Imai and Tomonori Arai from Japan, Leon Koudelak from the Czech Republic, Michel Rabaud from France, Steve Lin from Taiwan and the USA and Woratep Rattana-umpawan from Thailand.
The win wasn’t the first for Maigue, who finished his Bachelor of Music degree, major in Guitar (cum laude) at the UP College of Music. Prior, he placed first at the 2002 and 2009 National Music Competitions for Young Artists (NAMCYA).
Since then, he has been featured as soloist for the Metro Manila Community Orchestra, the Manila Symphony Orchestra and the Philippine Philharmonic Orchestra.
Maigue is also a member of the UP Guitar Orchestra, Kithara Quartet,Abelardo Guitar Quartet and the UP Jazz Ensemble.
source: mb.com.ph