Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Facebook is still king in 126 countries –except China and Russia

Facebook continues to dominate the worldwide social network scene and is now tops in 126 of 137 countries worldwide, a social media strategist said over the weekend.
Vincenzo Cosenza updated his "world map" based on a combination of Alexa and Google Trends for Websites traffic data, tech site The Next Web said.
Citing the traffic data examined by Cosenza, The Next Web said Facebook is tops in 126 out of the 137 countries that were analyzed.
"Europe is the largest continent on Facebook with 232 million users, while North America has 222 million and the whole of Asia boasts 219 million users," it said.
However, social networks other than Facebook remain tops elsewhere in the world.
It said VKontakte and Odnoklassniki remain strong in Russian-speaking countries.
PC Magazine said that in China, where Facebook is banned in most areas, QZone is the most popular social network, with 560 million users.
Second in China is Tencent Weibo with 337 million, and Sina Weibo with 334 million.
In Iran, state censorship also makes it difficult for users to access Facebook.
Zing is Vietnam’s most popular social network while Cloob is preferred over Facebook in Iran, and Drauglem is tops in Latvia.
On the other hand, it said LinkedIn, Badoo and Twitter are jostling for the distinction of being second most dominant social network in various European countries, the United States, Brazil, China, India, Russia, the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and Japan.
"If we take a look over Facebook's shoulders we can see the battle for the second position between Twitter and LinkedIn or, especially in Europe, between Badoo and Twitter," PC Magazine quoted Cosenza as saying.
2011 scene
In 2011, PC Mag said Facebook held the dominant position in 119 out of 134 countries analyzed.
On the other hand, it said the map does not include statistics for Google's social network Google+.

Back in January, Google CEO Larry Page said Google+ had 90 million users. By April, Page said that about 170 million people had "upgraded" to the social network without really explaining what that meant. — TJD, GMA News

source: gmanetwork.com