MANILA, Philippines – The Philippine fast food industry, revolutionized by the “suited-to-natives” menu that allowed homegrown Jollibee to be the first local brand in any country to beat the iconic McDonald’s, is doing even more experimenting these days --- bizarre experimenting, if one takes seriously top-rating US-based host Jimmy Kimmel.
Kimmel, who has guested Filipino boxing champ Manny Pacquiao several times, has spoofed the effort of Kentucky Friend Chicken to come up with its own menu, only for the Philippines. The target: the “Cheese Top Burger” showing a huge slice of cheese draped atop a chicken-patty bun. In the original KFC commercial in manila, a voice-over explains that the cheese-atop-the-bun comes with a specially flavored chicken patty.
The yellow-orange cheese looks yummy, until one sees how messy it actually gets to eat it, as the Kimmel “ad” would try to show.
Kimmel opens his spiel with “some very strange fast food are coming out of the Philippines,” and explains that “their menu is different” from what US-based KFC patrons are used to.
As an “ad” of the Cheese Top Burger is flashed, he good-naturedly wonders aloud why the word “STREETWISE” is used as violator at the top of the ad, when he sees “nothing wise about this [idea of putting the cheese atop, instead of between, the bun] at all.”
He admits the “commercial” “actually makes me wanna eat it,” and then the yucky visuals begin: cheese like soft clay on a child’s hand, a drumstick — free in a promo — being plunked down inside a plastic cup of Coke, and ending with three actors making a “high 5” with their sticky-cheese covered hands.
source: interaksyon.com