Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Beijing restaurant bans Pinoys and dogs

MANILA, Philippines – A restaurant in the Chinese tourist district of Houhai in Beijing refuses to serve Filipino, Japanese and Vietnamese customers – as well as dogs.

A photo from Agence France-Presse showed a cook working for an unidentified Houhai restaurant bearing the sign: "This shop does not receive the Japanese, the Philippines, the Vietnamese, and dog."

Website Beijing Cream identified the shop as "Beijing Snacks," and noted that it was a "bizarre example(s) of unhealthy nationalism" in light of the territorial disputes among China and the three other countries.

China, the Philippines and Vietnam are embroiled in a territorial dispute about the West Philippine Sea, while Japan is contesting ownership of islands in the East China Sea.

"This kind of sign would result in a hefty fine in most places and instant removal," said Johan U of Beijing Cream.

"But here, it's more likely that a restaurant gets in trouble for 'hurting the feelings of Chinese people' by referring to sensitive history," he added.
