Monday, February 25, 2013

What's next after reparation law for human rights victims?

Points system to determine cash award for victims

MANILA - Following the signing of the Human Rights Victims Reparation and Recognition Act of 2013, a Human Rights Victims’s Claims Board will be formed to draft the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of the law.

Presidential spokesperson Edwin Lacierda said the IRR shall determine the computation for the amount of compensation that a qualified human rights victim will receive.

The amount of compensation will depend on the number of points assigned to the type of human rights violation committed against the claimant.

Lacierda cited Section 20 of the law that provides the points system for the determination of the award:

--Victims who died or disappeared and are still missing: 10 points

--Those tortured and/or raped or sexually abused: 4 to 9 points

--Those who were detained: 2 to 4 points

--Those forcribly exiled from the Philippines, kidnapped or otherwise exploited, sexually offended but not raped in the course of the conduct of the military and/or police operations or those rights are violated under Section 3 of the Act: 1-4 points

The plaintiffs included in the class suit filed against the Marcoses in Hawaii will be given conclusive presumption that they are victims of human rights violations.

Lacierda said that under the law, those not included in the class suit may still apply for compensation.

The compensation will be sourced from the P10 billion ill-gotten Marcos wealth recovered by the government.

“Eighty percent of the compensation fund is devoted to the list while 20 percent of the fund will be devoted to those who are not included in the class suit or the claimants in the Hawaii case. So there’s an opportunity for them subject to the presentation of evidence that they were indeed victims of human rights abuse under the Marcos regime. They can, yes, apply for that,” Lacierda said.
