Thursday, March 28, 2013

Hackers deface IT site of Manila Bulletin

MANILA – Hackers claiming to be members of “Anonymous” defaced the information technology section of Manila Bulletin’s website on Thursday.

The hackers defaced the whole section, leaving a message for “fake anons,” or those who use the handle “Anonoymous” for their own gain.

“It may already have come to your attention the issue about those fake anons who, for themselves use the handle anonymous for their own individual purpose. You may also already know about the fast-spreading Operation called #OpFakeAnons,” the message read.

“#OpFakeAnons will eliminate those who hack and use the handle of 'Anonymous' for their own gain. WE Will DEFAME you. We will DIRTY your name. We will end your 'Hey-Look-I-Hacked-A-Website-I'm-A-Star' era. For those self-proclaimed hacking groups bragging the name of anonymous are fake,” the group added.

The message also contained Facebook links to pages of other hacker groups.
