Thursday, March 14, 2013

Pinoy LGBT rights group welcomes 'anti-gay' pope

MANILA, Philippines – A gay rights group in the country said it welcomes the newly elected Pope Francis, formerly Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, despite his conservative views on homosexuality.

In a statement released Thursday, the Progressive Organization of Gays in the Philippines (ProGay) said it accepts Pope Francis “as the new leader of the world’s largest organized religion with guarded hope for reforms in the scandal-tainted hierarchy.”

“The marginalized lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities especially the discriminated, poor and jobless millions living in the slums welcome a leader who has publicly criticized neoliberal economic policies that destroy livelihoods, the ecology and health,” ProGay spokesman Jomar Amores said.

“However, we remain hopeful that Pope Francis continues to become more attuned to a world in conflict. He is known for his outreach to the poor, his simple lifestyle, his demonstrated compassion for persons hospitalized with AIDS complications, and his disdain for hypocrite church officials. He once reminded his fellow priests that Jesus went around with prostitutes and thieves,” he added.

Amores said, however, that the group hopes to see the Vatican open discussions on the inclusion of LGBTs in the life of the church. He noted that Pope Francis said in 2010 that same-sex marriage is “a destructive pretension against the plan of God.”

Many Catholics across the globe have been hoping for a pope that would champion same-sex marriage, since today’s Church includes a huge number of LGBTs.

Pope Francis earlier said that same-sex marriage is the work of the devil and is a “destructive attack on God’s plan,” according to the Huffington Post. The report added that the new pope considers gay adoption as a form of discrimination against children.
