Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Nick Vujicic: We Are Living in the End of Days

NASHVILLE – Evangelist Nick Vujicic told communicators at the annual National Religious Broadcasters (NRB 2013) convention that through his global outreach ministry, "Life Without Limbs," he is able to see a strong spiritual movement indicating that we are most likely living during the end times.

"We are extremely excited in seeing how the Lord is reaching out to the world not just through our ministry, but we can see other ministries with moves of God [and] you really start to get convinced that we are living in the end of days, a time when every human being on earth will have the chance to say 'yes, I accept' or 'no, I reject' this Gospel message of Jesus," said Vujicic during the last keynote session of the 4-day event. "But how will they know unless someone tells them?"

The inspirational speaker who was born without arms or legs has taken his message of faith and hope to audiences around the world. This was his first NRB convention appearance and he told the audience that working together as the body of Christ was extremely important.

"My wife and I, we love to see people set free by the power of Jesus Christ and seeing his kindness communicated in wise and gentle ways in all venues – whether it's governmental congresses, seven presidents around the world, or crowds of hundreds of thousands in India," he said. "From Monday through Friday there, by the grace of God, we preached to 350,000 people in five days and 80,000 came to the Lord, Jesus Christ."

He added, "That is just one story out of many and I know that it's not about me and it's not even about how we did it. He does supply every need."

Vujicic also showed photos of his family, including wife, Kanae, and their first child, Kiyoshi James Vujicic.

"That is the greatest update that I can ever give you about my life," he said, while talking about his "lovely, awesome wife and child."

The evangelist, who lives just north of Los Angeles, said that he just came back from Serbia, Slovenia, and Croatia. "This year, we are going to, God willing, 26 countries that represent a population of 800 million people," he said.

Despite all the good news about his ministry work the central focus of Vujicic's life is Jesus, he said.

"The greatest news that I could ever say is that Jesus is Lord and Savior of my life. He is my friend. He is with me wherever I go. I'm so delighted to continue to grow in my relationship to Jesus."

The NRB convention concludes Tuesday evening with an awards ceremony honoring those religious broadcasters with the greats of achievements for 2013.

source: christianpost.com