Friday, April 25, 2014

Sick woman's recovery led to John Paul II's sainthood

ROME - The journey to sainthood of popes John XXIII and John Paul II will culminate on Sunday at the Vatican.

For many of their followers, like Floribeth Mora Diaz, who claims she was healed from cerebral fusiform aneurysm through the intercession of John Paul II, the double canonization of the two popes is a jubilant celebration for them.

In a translation, Diaz said the canonization on Sunday will be the most important part of the story in her life. She said it all started last year when her healing was recognized as a miracle of John Paul II.

She prayed to John Paul II to be healed and on the day of his beatification in 2011, and she believes the miracle happened.

"I saw a magazine with the picture of John Paul II with his arms open wide, and I heard his voice saying to me: 'Get up and do not be afraid'," she said.

Diaz, who was only given days to live by her doctor, got well.

"After I had an x-ray, the doctors were dumbfounded to see something happened to me. They cannot explain what happened. I was sitting with the doctor and he was re-reading the result over and over again, analyzing it. My husband asked, "What's wrong?" And he did not respond. And then I said, 'I know what's wrong: I have been healed by the intercession of Pope John Paul II," she shared.

It is also believed that the intercession of Pope John XXIII healed miraculously Sister Caterina Capitani from a very serious hemorrhaging ulcerative gastritis.

The friend of the deceased Sister Caterina said the canonization of Pope John XXIII on Sunday will make Caterina very happy.

"Sister Catarina was filled with joy during the beatification of John XXIII. And, if she was still alive today, she would be rejoicing in the same way for the canonization," said Sister Adele Labianca.

While John Paul II met the required two miracles for the canonization, without the customary certification of another miracle, Pope Francis is making Pope John XXIII saint.
