Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Michael Jordan donates $1 million to Dorian relief

LOS ANGELES - NBA legend Michael Jordan is donating $1 million to help relief efforts in the hurricane-battered Bahamas, his spokeswoman said Tuesday.

In a statement on Twitter, Charlotte Hornets owner Jordan said he was "devastated" at the destruction unleashed by Hurricane Dorian on the Caribbean archipelago.

At least 50 people have died and several thousand across the island nation have been evacuated. 

"I am devastated to see the destruction that Hurricane Dorian has brought to the Bahamas, where I own property and visit frequently," Jordan said in a statement announcing his pledge.

"My heart goes out to everyone who is suffering and to those who have lost loved ones," he added.

Jordan said he aimed to distribute funds to non-profit agencies in the region where the money would "have the most impact." 

"The Bahamian people are strong and resilient and I hope that my donation will be of help as they work to recover from this catastrophic storm," he added.

Jordan, 56, has donated to relief efforts in the past, pledging $2 million to help with the aftermath of Hurricane Florence which lashed the Carolinas last year.

Jordan is widely regarded as the one of the greatest basketball players of all time, winning six NBA titles before retiring and eventually becoming owner of the Hornets.

