Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Turn your house 'green' with these easy energy-saving tips

Having an energy-efficient house without compromising comfort is all achievable with a "green home."

A green home does not just mean cutting cost on electricity bill; it is actually practicing earth-friendly habits to consume less energy.

Transforming your abode into an energy-efficient house doesn't have to be about a big-time structural overhaul. As Architect Berns Reyes pointed out, there are many ways where you can start before considering a renovation for a greener home.

As it may sound like your common energy-saving reminders, well, these practices also function as good steps in making that less expensive household living.

Starting from the lights, Reyes recommended working first on replacing the use of CFL or incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs.

Although each costs up to P500, LED bulbs consume less electricity and last longer, with some brands offering long-term warranty.

Next on the list is the option of purchasing a single solar panel to power up a high-consuming appliance such as air conditioner or refrigerator.

A 250-watt panel, though costs around P20,000, can be viewed as a long-term investment as it would bring in more savings in the long-run.

Other green trade practices just take a habit development, such as unplugging appliances not in use, ironing all clothes at the same time, and keeping a good ventilation within your home through windows.

You may also want to be wary of devices that claim to be energy-savers. Meralco recently tested such devices and concluded that they don't lessen power consumption.

Reyes said it is best to note that a green home is a product of one's desire to adhere to environment-friendly practices while addressing personal home preferences.

"You can do modifications, actually, to your house. You just have to see how it looks and then from there we can actually assess small steps to make it more energy-efficient," he said.

"But bottom line is you're trying to cool the place, your trying to create a space that is not warm, a space that is actually comfortable to living," Reyes added.
