Monday, May 20, 2013

Traveling Abroad Requires a Check of Laws and Insurance

Driving abroad requires of a UK driver to be educated as to the local laws. It also requires that the driver make sure their insurance is adequate. What is covered while driving within the UK may not be so when driving within another country. Insurance coverage would be of vast concern and should be reviewed before taking a trip abroad. If one finds they are not covered by their current coverage it can be as simple as taking out extra coverage or a supplemental policy to assure they have car insurance.

It is also important to look into the laws covering driving in another country. If not prepared, a driving violation or accident could be not only time consuming from one’s business trip or vacation but it could be costly as well. To help those driving in foreign countries to be more prepared, the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) has launched a campaign to inform how to be safer when driving abroad. By staying informed of local driving laws one can remain safer on the roads. The FCO reported that there have been a high number of traffic incidents involving British tourists in popular vacation spots such as Australia, Thailand, and Spain.

UK ambassador to Thailand, Mark Kent commented “Accidents do occur and not all tragedies are avoidable, but the outcome could be very different with many lives being saved and critical injuries reduced if people adopted the same safety precautions abroad that they would naturally take at home.

“I have visited hospitals here and heard from doctors how many deaths could have been avoided by following the law and taking the appropriate precautions, such as safety helmets.

“You should check that your travel insurance specifically covers you for driving a scooter or any other vehicle abroad.”

The FCO has a new online tool to properly inform drivers so they are better prepared and can be safe on the roads. The online tool can be found at
